Though most significant feelings are still described as heartfelt, neurosciences prove that the brain drives all body activities.
Memory: Brain is a bank of semantic knowledge. This aids in future survival by using the past information.
Movement: All muscle movements are caused by nerve cells, though the conscious brain has only limited control over it.
Emotions: They are the pre ordained modes of behavior that boost survival chances. They are animal instincts leaking through consciousness.
Communication: It is a unique feature of brain. The speech centers control the formulation of language and execution of speech. It also comprehends what others are saying.
Sensations: Brain processes all the information it receives to create a detailed picture of body surroundings. It filters out what is not needed.
Thinking: It is a cognitive activity that allows the brain to interpret the world around us.
Control: Breathing, circulation, digestion and excretion are all under the control of brain.
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