Limbic system is associated with emotion, memory and basic instincts. It is a cluster of organs in the center of the brain. Its major structures form a group of modules that pass signals between the cortex and bodies of the lower brain. The limbic system mediates instinctive drives such as aggression, fear and appetite with learning, memory and higher mental functions.
SMELL: It is the only sense handled by the limbic system
MAMILLARY BODIES: They act as relay station for new memories
AMYGDALA: Associated with fear conditioning and rage. It is also involved in memory and emotional response
PARA HIPPOCAMPAL GYRUS: it helps us recognize and to recall things. It is also involved in forming and retrieving memories.
HIPPOCAMPUS: it is associated with creating episodic memories and creating spatial awareness.
The limbic system is closely linked to feelings of rage and contentment. Both are due to stimulation of reward and punishment centers. Both are crucial to learning. Without this brain would simply ignore old stimuli. Pleasure is associated with release of dopamine and disgust is linked with sense of smell.
#limbicsystem #smell #amygdala #hippocampus #mamillarybodies #remardandpunishment #parahippocampalgyrus
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